Hotrunners cleaning on Husky preforms injection molding machine:
fast and safe with Ultra Plast PET-CS2

 Black to Clear: Cleaning screw and hotrunners on Husky machine
with purging compound Ultra Plast PET-CS

Ultra Plast Purging Compound CE-E for Blow Film

Ultra Plast PO-E Purging on an Extrusion Machine

 Purging injection machine from blue to neutral with Ultra Plast PO-CS

Purging screw and hot runners with Ultra Plast SP+



 How to purge a blow molding machine with Ultra Plast

Purging screw and hotrunner in a fast and easy way with Ultra Plast


Purging an injection machine in less than one minute


Purging injection machine and hotrunners with Ultra Plast


 Cleaning an extruder with Ultra Plast purge compound

 Purging the screw and cleaning hotrunner system
in preforms production

 Cleaning hotrunner system in injection molding caps production

Purging an extrusion blow molding machine
with Ultra Plast purging compound


 How to purge a cast film machine with Ultra Plast purge compound

Cleaning a blown film head from black spots and gels
with Ultra Plast purging compound